My interview - The Unstuck Movement Podcast
Hi, I'm Joni, 
 I am here to help you live a God-centered life in a distracted, self-focused world. Together, we can live rooted, built up, established, and overflowing with thankfulness. 
Are your Ready? → Start Here →

Unfolding Short Stories: "God, I want to be like that tree" Joni Rosebrock

October 29, 202411:33

God’s story has been unfolding since the beginning of time and he invites you to be a part of it. Join Meridith Foster each week to hear God’s unfolding story in the lives of His people. Follow along with us and gain encouragement and insight into how God is shaping your story.


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Doing What Matters

Are you ready to live from rest instead of rush? Join Life & Business Coach, Speaker, and Author Teresa McCloy each week for conversations, stories, and practical wisdom from people doing what matters in their personal and professional lives. This is an invitation to do life differently through rhythms, routines, and practices that help us live the life God has for us.

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A Great Place to Start

90 Day Scripture Writing Plan

Enjoy this journey of writing God's Word. I pray you will be richly blessed and see God move in your life as you delight in His Word.



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